Baby Bluebirds

We have several families with baby bluebirds that have left the nest.  There are baby bluebirds squaking for Mom and Dad’s attention everywhere.

“The bluebird carries the sky on his back.”  Henry David Thoreau 1852

This baby bird has been sitting on the lawn swing un-patiently, making much noise, waiting for his parents to bring some food.


His brother has been sitting in the tree and getting much more food from Mom. But, where is Dad?


Poor Dad has been trying for over a Day to get their sister out of the birdhouse.


Finally the little guy on the lawn swing has had enough of these absent parents and has landed, a few feet away, and found his own food.


Finally – sister – has decided to make her grand entrance – landing on the top of the lawn swing.  Girls are so contrary! Ha


“All bluebirders must feel like – One of the Chosen Ones – when we are fortunate enough to have nesting bluebirds on our property . . . .”  Lillian Lund 1984

The Symphony of Birds

I spent several minutes this morning watching these 4 male Grackles as they entertained me with their high wire act, which reminded me of a symphony of birds.

“Like a bird on a wire I soak in the world and watch life transpire.”  Studio3ten Suzanne Millius












Wild Rabbits


This wild Mother rabbit is out for a safe, short time, to eat her breakfast.  She is cleaning the dew from her feet.

Wild baby rabbits are not abandoned.  Mom only visits her babies 2x a day.  Once at dawn, once at dusk and she stays hidden the rest of the time in an attempt to keep the hawks and other predators away from the nest.

We have several pairs of rabbits that raise their young in our 3 acre yard every year.  Our yard is totally fenced, which keeps dogs from bothering the rabbits.  We can talk to the adult rabbits and get fairly close, because they have seen over the years that we are harmless (to an extent, Ha).

Precious Resources


“If I were to name 3 most precious resources of life, I would say books, friends, and nature; and the greatest of these, at least the most constant and always at hand is Mother Nature and God.”   John Burrough

This tiny little purple/blue weed I photographer in my yard, shows the detail God gave to each small thing in nature that he created.

Creatures Have Their Moments!

It just seemed that each creature I photographed in the yard today, was telling me to knock off  being the photographer and go away.  Ha  Perhaps, I have bothered them all too much.

This toad did not like me bothering him during his afternoon nap. Such a mean look.


This Brown Thrush was trying to find a bug or two.  She gave me a mean look.


This Mockingbird kept making noise, telling me to go away.


This Red Winger Black Bird told me to go away and leave him alone.  He was eating lunch. Well, you don’t have to tell me twice. lol


Early Morning Clouds

I was up before daylight about a week ago.  As I opened the shades, I saw this unusual and beautiful cloud formation.  I snapped many pictures, but thought this one was the most gorgeous array of clouds I had seen in awhile.IMG_9447

As the sky lightened, I snapped the photo below.


The following photo is the view on the North side of my house.  The white object in the center of the picture, by the cedar tree, is the roof of my house.  Arkansas is such a beautiful place to live.


Nature’s Poem


Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak. And know that it grew slowly and well.

Give me, amidst the confusion of the day.  The calmness of the everlasting hills.

Let me pause to look at a flower, to smell a rose – God’s autograph, to chat with a friend, to read a few lines from a good book.

Break the tensions of my nerves with the soothing music of singing streams and gentle rains.  That live in my memory.    Author Unknown



I was sitting in the lawn swing, when these Doves paid a visit to the plowed ground in our garden spot.  Love, to hear the cooing of the Doves in the morning.  The garden spot was quite dry from lack of rain.  The third picture shows what the garden looked like a few days later after 5 inches of rain.Aviary Photo_131039954234854919

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